Table C–3

Protocol Checklist

How willyou manipulate your treatment variables?

How willyou measure your dependent (criterion) variables?

How manyparticipants will you need?

Do you haveyour professor’s permission to conduct the study?

Do you havea suitable place to run your participants?

How willyou get your participants?

If you areusing animals, how will they be cared for?

What willyou do with your animals after the study?

If you areusing human participants, how will you make your sign-up sheets available topotential participants?

Have youincluded a description of the study (including how long it takes) on thesign-up sheet?

Willparticipants be rewarded for volunteering to be in your study (such as money orextra credit)?

If you areconducting an experiment, how will you assign participants to condition?

Have youwritten out a detailed research protocol?

If you areusing human participants, have you developed a consent form?

If you areusing human participants, have you written out the oral instructions you willgive your participants?

If you areusing human participants, have you written out what you will say duringdebriefing?

If volunteers are college students seeking extracredit, how will you notify professors about which students participated?

Will you inform participants about the outcome ofyour study? How?

