There are two types of questions we want answered:

Type of Question

Examples of This Type of Question

1. Description/Prediction QuestionsWhat are people doing or thinking?
What is happening?
What do people do in a certain situation?
2. Explanation/ Understanding/Control QuestionsWhat causes (influences, makes) people to do or think what they do?
is it happening?
How can  giving participants different instructions or different drugs change their behavior?

Click here to get practice on the key distinction between description/prediction questions and explanation/understanding questions.


Why does it matter what type of question we are asking?

Because we have to use different research methods depending on the type of question we ask.

Type of Question

Examples of This Type of Question

Research Method Needed to Answer This Type of Question

1. Description/Prediction QuestionsWhat are people doing or thinking?
What is happening?
What do people do in a certain situation?
 Non-experimental/ descriptive/correlational research.
2. Explanation/ Understanding/Control QuestionsWhat causes (influences, makes) people to do or think what they do?
is it happening?
How can  giving participants different instructions or different drugs change their behavior?
Only experiments.

So, to review, before we know whether we can even consider trusting a study's answer to a question, we need to ask a couple of questions (see diagram below):

To Nonexperimental Methods

To Experimental Methods

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