[qdeck] [q] Define "construct" [a] a mental state that can't be directly observed [q] Define "construct validity" [a] the degree to which a study is actually dealing with the variables it claims to be [q] Define "internal validity" [a] the degree to which a study conclusively demonstrates that something caused a change [q] Define "experiment" [a] the only kind of study that has internal validity. It must involve randomly assigning participants to different treatments. [q] Define "external validity" [a] the degree to which the study's results can be generalized. [q] Define "ethical  research" [a] research conforming to APA's ethical standards. Usually, ethical human research has been approved by an Internal Review Board, and involves both informed consent and debriefing [q] Define "informed consent" [a] giving potential participants information about the study, especially in terms of factors that might lead them to refuse to be in the study, before they decide whether to participate. An important part of informed consent is letting participants know that they can quit the study at any time without penalty. [q]Define "debrief" [a] After the participant is done with the study, explaining the purpose of the study to the participant, answering any participant questions, and undoing any harm that the participant may have experienced as a result of being in the study [q] Define "Internal Review Board (IRB)" [a] A committee of at least five members--one of whom must be a community member-- that review and monitor research in an effort to protect human participants.  [/qdeck]